Experimental photography

Experimental photography is an important part of artistic photography. While photography* has a general documentary character and depicts reality, in experimental photography all available opportunities are used for chronicling and alienation during photography, in the photo laboratory and the digital development stages.

Experimental photography is associated with techniques commonly used for silver halide photography, such as pseudo-solarisation (reversal) and also photomontages with surreal and Dadaistic representations.

Several great pieces of work have been created by special picture processing and photographic techniques. As well as double exposure or intentional camera movements, these also result in unique work.

Examples of experimental photography


When looking at the examples, it quickly becomes clear that there is a wide range of development opportunities. Viewers differ when it comes to experimental and abstract photography. While artistic people brim with enthusiasm, objective observers prefer to maintain a certain distance.

Art also lies completely within the eye of the beholder.

*with light drawing

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