In the following we will give you some instructions for proper use and care of your new artwork so that you and the following generations can be delighted by lifelong enjoyment of art and a high potential of accretion.
The works of Inside-Gallery are manufactured with the highest-quality paper and printing inks as well as high-quality refinement and framing. The producers of the works guarantee a light fastness of at least 75 years –black and white prints even 100 years.
Yet, photographs can change thanks to environmental influences. That is why photographs, refinements and framing should not be
- entirely or partly exposed to direct or strong sunlight
- hanging directly above heatings
- not exposed to air moisture exceeding the the normal niveau.
Photographs, refinements and frames are therefor not to recommended for outdoor space, basement rooms, bathrooms or kitchens. Liquid Gloss, glass and wooden frames should only be touched with the gloves or comparable protection.
When refining with Liquid Gloss® tiny irregularities of surface can occur – those are no flaws, though. This patented procedure is realized in „clean rooms“ with particularly low particle contamination. Any defects are ruled out by on-going quality checks. The cleaning and preservation of the brilliant surface can be done through the application of a product that can be used from time to time. Small scratches can be polished away per hand. Deeper scratches can be corrected by a new, additional coating.